As I was sitting at work at 3:00 in the morning something hit me right in the face (and it wasn't that elusive Travelocity gnome this time). In my 20 years I spent as a Mormon, I've heard many lessons and testimonies given about what to do if you're doubting the validity of the Bible
or Book of Mormon, and that is to keep reading them and get on your knees and ask god. Never once have I heard the advice to look outside yourself and outside of your religious confines, to seek out the words of famous Atheists or scholars who refute the bible in order to see both sides of the argument and become educated and then make your own decision, with or without the aid of prayer. In fact I've always been taught to stay far away from anti-religious material, as it can "shake your faith" and make you doubt things that you supposedly know are true. If that starts to happen, of course it's blamed on satan trying to get a hold of your mind, and not your own human intelligence becoming enlightened to opposing views and new ideas. But to make an informed decision, don't you have to see it from all sides first?
Now every time I've heard of people doing this "prayer test", the answer is the same. After so much time, they got a warm fuzzy feeling and it reaffirmed their belief. Forever keeping them from becoming a free-thinker on the subject. Never once have I heard people say "I prayed about it and god told me to stop believing, the bible is a lie." So then I started wondering, why was that the only advice given? Why was the outcome always the same?
Because it's bullshit! This so called prayer test has a hidden agenda, it only creates the illusion of choice and the illusion of personal revelation. It will give you exactly what you want to hear. Why?
Because you never stopped believing in the first place. Even if you claim you're having doubts, either subconsciously or consciously you want to believe. If you're praying to god, then you must believe in him. Now if you believe in him, then why wouldn't you want to believe in "god's word"? Why wouldn't you want to believe in this book that's filled with stories about how amazing, omnipotent, all powerful and full of love god is? Why wouldn't you want to believe in the book that is the basis of your entire religion and the origins of your own belief in god? You wouldn't! That's like a Muslim saying he believes in Allah but not the Koran! Even if you're saying you are doubting, there's still part of you that believes. All it takes is time for that part to grow and take over again. There is no god involved in this test, only your mind fighting with itself.
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