Let me throw something out here, and stay with me on this one, the cross is meaningless and has absolutely nothing to do with god and Jesus other than he died on it. Used by ancient people as far back as 600 BC, it was around WAY before Jesus ever had his round on it. The cross itself is nothing more than an execution device, a method of capital punishment, just as is the guillotine, stoning, electric chair, lethal injection, hanging and firing squad. If he died by any of those other methods, would that have become the universal symbol of Jesus? If I shot Jesus in the face with a shotgun to complete his atonement, would everybody be wearing little necklaces of a 12 gauge shell around their necks? Instead of drawing a cross in the air when they pray, would they instead charade the cocking of a shotgun? Because that's the exact same mentality of holding the cross in such high regard. He had to die SOMEHOW and crucifixion was a widely used method of the death sentence in that time, it just so happened that it was the method used on him, instead of stoning or being burned at the stake or drowning in water. He did not HAVE to die by the cross, any method would've worked. Nowhere in the bible does it say or prophecy that Jesus would HAVE to die by crucifixion and no other way or else the whole plan would've gone to shit. Also, on the cross was not where he took the sins of the world, but in the Garden of Gethsemane as told in Matthew 26. He simply finished the plan by dying, and the cross is how they did it. The cross was invented BY man, FOR man. Like I said, it had been around since 600 BC. How then, is it so special? How does it keep evil away? How is it holy? How is it a supernatural "Jesus wuz here" graffiti? Big news people, it's not.
I recently had a long debate with an excited bible thumper. She brought into the argument this picture of a star with a cross on it that was straight from NASA. Well I googled it and didn't find shit until she sent me the link to the video. Well, what a big surprise, it was in a presentation from a televangelist. This super amazing star with a cross on it is somehow direct proof of god's existence. This was nothing more than religious propaganda, and pretty bad propaganda at that. It could VERY easily just be a natural occurrence, since the cross is quite a simple shape. One line intersecting another line? Yeah, THAT never happens by coincidence! I could also just as easily be an edited picture, although I found it later on the Hubble site so I doubt it is. However with a source image that simple, even a high-schooler could recreate it in their computer class. The second I looked at the picture, I thought to myself "Give me 5 minutes and I can create a picture just like that with Photoshop". So you know what? That's exactly what I did! Here's the results before and after. Looks shitty right?

So now I wanted to try an experiment. I wanted to see just how naive a gullible christain mind can be. I sent her the picture, bullshitting that I thought it could be supernatural. Here is the exact exchange that took place.
Me- It's actually really cool, the moon also has a cross in it
Her- I think God put it there on purpouse. Omigosh... Whoa. Do you see it? Uh, just curious... What do you think of all this?
Me- I dont know, I wanted to see what your opinion was of it
Her- I think... God is amazing... Idk.... I didn't know that was there either... The kids at school are gonna be psyched! I know I am! Yeah!
Me- You really think this is proof of god?
Her- Yes, I do.
Me- Are you sure? I dunno, it doesn't seem like proof to me. What if it's just coincidence?
Her- What if it isn't? It's on a star, and the moon, and in the Bible.
Me- So you really think this is the work of god?
Her- How could it be a coincidence anyway? Is there a scientific theory 4 it? Yes, I think it is the work of God.
Me- Are you sure?
Her- Yep.
Me- This was not done by man? And you have absolute faith that it's gods work? I'll be willing to consider anything you think about it
Her- it isn't done by man, I'm sure!=)
Me- But how can you be sure?
Her- I know for sure that it's God because before I got saved, I don't know... I never felt this way. I mean, look at the sky... How could something so beautiful be created by science? How could science create that cross? These feelings?
Me- Well guess what? It's a fake. I took the first picture of the moon I found on google, loaded it up in Photoshop, and drew this cross on there. I'm sending you the original picture right now. Compare them side by side and see how easy it was to edit a picture and deceive a gullible mind
Her- Now isn't that lying? I had a feeling it would be something like this. But the star is real.
Me- The star is real, the cross related to jesus is not. And yes it's a lie, but it was an experiment I was doing to see how much you would actually believe
Her- The CROSS on the STAR is REAL. It's proven that it is!
Me- How is this any different than that preacher who showed the other picture of the star with a cross on it? How do you know he isnt lying? You don't, but yet you will still blindly believe. I made a fake picture of a cross on a star and you believed it without a doubt. Amazing.
Her- Well you know what? I'm not that stupid and naive enough to believe anything you said! And, plus, what amazes me is how bad you are at lying! The BIBLE says not to lie. And you do all this w/o flinching. I would feel terrible if I did that to someone.
Hoooooly shit. Notice after I told her it was fake she tried to backtrack and say the star symbolizing jesus wasn't fake because it's a lie that she still believes in. Then instead of admitting her own dumbassness, she gets defensive and concentrates her efforts on the fact that I tricked her, instead of the fact that she was the one who believed it. Simply amazing. I guess we believe anything that people tell us now, huh? As long as it supports god then it MUST be true! Although if you get down to it, that's all religion is based off of; word of mouth. All it takes is for somebody to say "I've seen god!", and a somebody else to say "Ok. I believe you."
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